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Florida | Ranches | Farm Land | Raw Land | Financing
Florida Farms and Ranches for Sale
has a rich legacy of farming including winter vegetable
farms, huge cattle ranches, and Thoroughbred horse
farms. A favorable climate, large annual rain fall, and
the lack of a personal income tax make Florida a
desirable place to be involved in farming and ranching.
Financing Farm Land and Ranches
It is not always east to get financing for raw land and
farm land and many times it requires a large down
payment. There are lenders that specialize in this type
of lending and can get you a loan offer from several
lenders. These loans can be used for purchasing or
refinancing land and for buildings and equipment.
Farm and Ranch Loans.
Agricultural Zoning
Florida has a broad agricultural zoning law that
provides certain tax benefits for qualified uses and
covers the allowable use of agriculturally zoned land.
The state of Florida designates agricultural zoning, but
local municipalities can further regulate agricultural
land use.
Agricultural Tax Benefits
Owners of agriculturally zoned land can earn reduced
taxes if the land is used for agricultural business
purposes. Minimum requirements for agricultural
exemptions are spelled out in the Florida Agricultural
exemption laws.
Florida Farms
and the Community
farm is more than some acreage, it is an integral part
of a larger community that includes neighbors, vendors,
and fellow farmers. Raising animals on a farm brings
with it responsibility for the health and welfare of
those animals.
Commercial Livestock Farms
In today's world, most farms specialize in specific
areas of farming like growing certain types of crops or
raising certain types of animals for specific purposes
like dairy or meat production.
Florida has a diverse farm
population ranging from vegetable farming in the rich
soils bordering the Everglades to huge cattle ranches
throughout the state. The Ocala, FL area is known for
its horse breeding farms, while the Okeechobee area
specializes in cattle breeding.
Goats, chickens, pigs, alpaca, sheep, and a full range of farm
animals are typical livestock found on both commercial
and hobby farms found in Florida.
Agricultural Farms
Florida is known for oranges, sugar cane, and winter
vegetables. Most orange groves have been in existence
for many years and have mature producing trees. Grove
owners typically sell their produce through co-ops that
handle sales and delivery.
The sugar cane industry in Florida is dominated by a few
large companies with strong political connections.
Enough said.
Seasonal vegetable farming is dominated by large
industry but there are many smaller family farms that
sell produce through co-ops, farmers' markets, and
roadside stands.
Hobby Farms
There are thousands of hobby farms in Florida whose
purpose is to allow the owner to raise animals for their
own enjoyment. Many of these farms end up selling baby
animals or produce from the farm like eggs or wool. This
helps defray the cost of feed, medicines, and caring for
the animals.
Florida Farm and Ranch Realtors
Many Realtors in Florida specialize in land, ranches,
and farms. An experienced farm and ranch land
Realtor can be of considerable source of valuable
Buying an existing operating farm is quite different
from buying land and developing your own herd of
animals or growing crops. Either way, you should have done considerable
homework on land values and the details of the expenses
of running a farm. Even if this is going to be a
hobby farm you will want know what expenses to
Florida Farm Purchase Research
Part of your research for an appropriate farm to buy should
include talking to farmers in the area to see what you
should know. This would include proximity of feed
stores, hay suppliers, veterinary services, market
conditions, and farm
equipment and repair.
Your discussions should include an attempt to elicit
the good, the bad, and the ugly that local experienced
farmers have endured. Establishing relationships at this
point will be of considerable assistance as your venture
Farms and Ranches for Sale
Horse Breeding Farms for Sale
Thoroughbred horse breeding is a well known horse
farm industry in Florida. Here, many thoroughbred horse
farms throughout the north central Florida area are
centered around Ocala. Each farm breeds and trains
horses for the horse racing industry. These horses are
sold to owners and trainers looking to have the next
Kentucky Derby winner. Retired winning horses are often
put out to stud farms to be used to breed new race
Since horse breeding is a highly specialized
business, there are few people who buy breeding farms
without having considerable experience and knowledge.
Horse Farms for Personal Use
Many equestrians like to keep their horses on their
own property and seek properly zoned property for this
purpose. In Florida, horses can only be kept on
agriculturally zoned property, but not all
municipalities allow horses regardless of zoning.
Horse Farms for Commercial Use
In Florida, horse boarding operations, horse
trainers, and equine veterinarians seek equestrian
properties for their businesses. Proper zoning and
business licenses are required.
Cattle Ranches for Sale
Florida is a substantial cattle producing state where
cattle ranches raise Angus, Brahman, Senepol, and Florida Cracker cattle,
breeds suitable to Florida's climate.
Large cattle operations in Florida produce prize animals that are
exported all over the world.
Goat Farms for Sale
Goat farms are very popular in Florida including pygmy goats, meat
goats, dairy goats, and show goats. Before venturing
into a goat farm as a hobby or business venture, be sure
to spend time researching though several sources. There
are many breeds of goats, some for dairy purposes, some
for hobby and show purposes, and some for meat
Alpaca Farms for Sale
Many amateurs enter the Alpaca farm business with various levels of
knowledge and experience. Raising Alpacas is a full time
job seven days a week and can bring rewards and
heartbreak, but many enjoy the animals and the work.
Some Alpaca farmers harvest Alpaca wool which is highly
valued and can be sold. Others breed Alpacas to sell
their offspring.